Today we will take a look at the fifth track from our new album “Voyage“. This one we call Kilmaley.
If you take the road to Doonbeg from Ennis in County Clare on the west coast of Ireland, about 12 km down the road you pass a little village called Kilmaley.
The Old Kilmaley Reel starts off the set and like at the races. As the horses are off the stalls, the whole band races down the track from the get-go.
In the second tune, “Joe Bane’s,” Des turns things upside down with his beat. It comes thumping down like an old steam engine. The momentum is building, and there is no stopping now.
But just when you thought we are out of juice, Sliotar takes another turn. We hurdle off the tracks with Andersons Reel. We have no idea who Andersons was.